We visited the Yukon Berengia Interpretive Centre (www.beringia.com) where they offer numerous films on how the glaciers came through and why the wildlife exists the way it does in the region. Very polished and very interesting. I did not know that there was once a giant beaver the size of a volkswagon roamed the land, nor does it seem plausible to have a giant sloth cavorting with wooly mammoths. But who am I to question the experts. The displays are terrific and the building is unique & beautiful. Plus it was rainy (for here) and rather chilly all day, so I was glad to be indoors most of the day.
It was also a great day to dine and drink the Yukon way, so we stopped by the deli for reindeer and caribou sausages, and dried MUSKOX (an acquired taste, methinks). We then visited the Yukon Brewing Company for some local beer. We missed the tours, but were cordially offered a taste of anything we wanted to try. Would that I could have stayed longer and supped, but we had sausages in the van, and a long line of local folk was forming by the time we left. Plainly they enjoy their local product.
Debbie made me ride the baby mammoth. She says everyone who comes to visit must comply!
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