On the drive to Skagway on the Klondike Highway we did the tourist thing, visiting a great stop called Caribou Crossing (www.cariboucrossing.ca) that offers sled dog rides, a museum display, gift shop, and PUPPIES!!!! It's a very polished tourist destination for sure and to prove it a couple of bus tours landed and they polluted the place, getting into the way of many perfectly framed shots. I was trying to get the old truck with the horses in the background, and they just wouldn't stop walking past until the horses moved so far left their heads were chopped off by the shed. Sigh!
The museum display was grand though, with the largest polar bear ever mounted. (Note how tiny I am beneath same, and that's not even a truly large one) and the woolly mammoth and moose, and well, I'm posting these all pretty randomly. They're self-explanatory.
Outside you could go on a 15 minute dog wagon ride for $30. Needless to say we passed. Man, do those huskies make a lot of noise! It was crazy loud down near the rides. And there was a puppy shed where you could cuddle husky pups. Children were busy playing with them when we went through and to be honest, they're pretty regular looking dogs, with which I am incredible familiar.
We thought we might miss the gold panner. For a fee (can't remember how much right now) you could pan for gold (guaranteed some!) but we didn't have time to try it, after all we'd barely started our trip to Skagway, and we'd already stopped for cinnamon buns. However there are pictures. It reminded me of the the book I'm reading about Dawson, where they visited friends in a "sourdough cabin" for tea, and while visiting, one of them kept busy with the gold pan. -- "Ned's going to pan a bit" (Pg 57, 'I Married the Klondike') "He needs the price of an evening in town."
It's pretty cool to see that colour in the bottom of the pan!
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